David Diop: Sur les premiers pas de l’ethnographie au siècle des Lumières / Erste Schritte der Ethnographie im Zeitalter der Aufklärung moderiert und übersetzt von Susanne Greilich und Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
Dr. Cecilia Sideri (Warwick): The Vernacular Reception of Greek Texts in 15th Century Florence: Case Studies. [read more…]
PD Dr. Markus Hafner (Graz): Quomodo lugendum sit–Lukians satirische Trauerdidaktik neu betrachtet. [read more…]
Álvaro Bragança: Comenius: Die sichtbare Welt (1658). Eine Begleitstudie zur kommentierten Übersetzung ins Portugiesische.
The significance of translations of literary and non-literary source texts from the early as well as neighbouring vernaculars for Early Modern writing cultures can hardly be overestimated. On the strength of contemporary imitation poetics, translation practices exerted a far-reaching influence on various literary-historical subdomains, for example the emergence and development of genres. Yet in view of the ubiquity of translational text production in the Early Modern era, it appears all the more astounding that contemporary comments and reflections on translating are rather hard to come by. [read more…]
“Women have always written and translated. Whether or not they published their works (anonymously, under a pseudonym, or under their real name), had them privately circulated, or kept them under lock and key depended on historical contexts, social framework conditions, and their own individual situations. [read more…]
Enrica Fantino and Philip Schmitz cordially invite you to the opening of the “Lukian-Colloquium” in the summer semester of 2024. [read more…]
Irena Fliter (Wolfenbüttel): „Family History between the Early Modern Ottoman Empire and Europe: Translating Gender, Kinship and Identity“.
Ippolita Giannotta (Göttingen): Lucian’s Gallus: The Spectacularization of Philosophy
Dr. Rahel Micklich (Würzburg): Kirchenväterübersetzungen des 16. Jahrhunderts. Translationstheoretische Beobachtungen zwischen Philologie und Kulturanthropologie
Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris): In which it is examined how Don Quixote can help us encompass translation in Early Modern Europe
Dr. Michele Solitario (Tübingen): Philologische Überlegungen zu Lukians Dialogi mortuorum
The workshop will focus on the translation of gender roles and the construction of transcultural gender concepts related to local concepts and practices, in the Christian missionary context in the early modern period. [read more…]
Public reading and discussion with David Diop and his translator Andreas Jandl at the bookshop Bock&Seip in the city centre of Saarbrücken (poster attached).
In the context of the various Early Modern evangelizing endeavours within and outside of Europe, which aimed to propagate (competing) varieties of Christianity for religious or power-political reasons, catechisms played an important role. [read more…]
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidt (Leipzig): Humanistische Übersetzungen und geistliche Literatur. Über latente und offene Spannungen zweier Popularisierungstendenzen im 15. Jahrhundert
WS: Regards (post-)coloniaux sur les pratiques médicinales autochtones. Le baobab, de l‘Encyclopédie à la littérature de l‘extrême contemporain Organised by Humboldt Research Fellow and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink with the participation of the physician Prof. Dr. Henning Madry and with a keynote lecture by David Diop: Sur les pratiques médicinales non-européennes dans les articles Baobab et Acacias dans le Supplément de l'Encyclopédie (1778). [read more…]
Iris Idelson-Shein: Between the Bridge and the Barricade: Jewish Translation in Early Modern Europe.
David Diop: La fabrique du Voyage au Sénégal (1757) de Michel Adanson
The lecture will take place in presence and will also be streamed online. Registration with Florian Lisson (florian.lisson@uni-saarland.de).
Philosophy often appeals to the reader's imagination in order to visualise particularly difficult ideas: Sometimes actual images accompany philosophical works, and their status can vary in that they can serve as a means of explaining the content of a text or as an alternative to the text itself. [read more…]
SPP 2130 Mercator Fellow Iris Idelson-Shein is offering a two-day workshop (with arrival and get-together on the evening of 26 August), for which interested parties are cordially invited to register with Avi Siluk (Siluk@em.uni-frankfurt.de) by 30 June 2024. [read more…]
Sixth annual conference of SPP 2130 For six years now, the Priority Programme 2130 launched by the German Research Foundation in 2018 has been inquiring into general social principles, perception patterns, and communication forms established by translation practices from approximately the mid-fifteenth century onwards and still of definitive significance today. [read more…]
An international workshop will be held from September 20 to 21 at the Classics Department of Eberhard Karls University, based on the collaboration of the SPP project Versio latina and Prof. Stefan Elit (Department for German Studies and Comparative Literature Studies, Paderborn). [read more…]
Organized by the SPP subproject Scientific Knowledge and Western European Travel Writing on Africa in Translation headed by Prof Dr Alison Martin, the exhibition presents translations of travel reports about Africa in four linguistic areas (German, French, English and Dutch) between 1600 and 1800—works that contributed to shaping knowledge about a continent that, until the late Enlightenment, Western Europeans still for the most part considered unknown, exotic terrain. [read more…]
The exhibition "Western European Travellers of Africa in Early Modern Period" will be open for viewing in the Landesbibliothekszentrum Rheinland-Pfalz / Pfälzische Landesbibliothek from the beginning of October to the beginning of November. The festive opening will take place on 8 October 2024 at 7.00 p.m. Please find the invitation attached.