In the first funding phase (2018–2021) it was necessary to carry out a general stocktaking – that is, an evaluation, comparison and systematisation – of fundamental research in the form of intercultural comparative studies in all areas and individual projects, as the intra- and trans-European as well as global translation movements of the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries were highly dynamic.
The second funding phase (2021–2024) places increased emphasis on investigating global interrelationships and regional particularities, as well as on subjecting both place- and time-specific translation criteria to critical review. The characterization of the Early Modern period as one strongly shaped by translation methods and activities is also to be re-examined by way of contributions undertaking to reappraise translation practices from the intercultural, trans-European, and post-colonial perspectives. Complementing the projects of the first funding phase, applications with a temporal focus on the fifteenth and/or sixteenth centuries and/or a geographical focus on Eastern Europe, North America, and the African continent were especially welcome. The deadline for applications was 27 October 2020.